Friday, October 31, 2014

It's Fall. That's all.

Last week, friends discussed what changes had happened in the weather
and in nature. Friends noted that weather got colder and everyone put on a sweater.
It's fall. That's all.

Friends spy leaves on the trees change their color.
When leaves turn red and orange, and yellow.
It's fall. That's all.

Friends spy fall flowers. They are not as  big and colorful as summer flowers.
It's fall. That's all.  

Friends spy little busy bee working hard on collecting nectar.
It 's fall. That's all.

Friends spy fall berries that are good for insects and
It's fall. That's all.

Coming back to school, friends spied pumpkins.
One big and one small. Thank you, Bibi, for bringing small pumpkin.
Where did this pumpkins come from?
Friends learned that fall is a time for HARVEST,
time when farmers harvest (collect) fruits and vegetables.
What could we do with pumpkins?

Friday, October 24, 2014

This week we learned

This week letter was the letter H .

There is no one's name in our class starts with this letter but there are so many words that do.

Words like horse, house, happy and heart start with the letter H.  The H says /h/.
To make the letter one needs two big lines and one little line.

Friends practiced to build letter H with lines, with playdough, and with stickers:)
To review letter H sound ,please, visit
Preteach next week letter T sound, please visit

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Simchas Torah

While on their travels,the Jewish People came to a mountain called Har Sinai. There Hashem gave them the most special present of all times which they accepted happily. The Torah.
They began to learn from it. They learned morals and values. They learned mitzvos and stories. 
They began to read a portion of it each week in Shul with the Rabbi and at the end of the year they would finish reading the entire Torah. It was a celebration! They danced all night long holding the Torah and singing songs. 
It was a celebration of the Torah, not the amount of knowledge each person had of it. It didnt matter how much Torah a person knew or didnt know. They all danced and sang together as one.
We do the same today. We read the Torah each week on Mondays, Thursdays, and on Shabbos and at the end of it we celebrate with song, dance, and good treats.
The children generally wave flags and hold smaller Torahs since the big ones from the Aron Kodesh (ark) in the Shul is quite heavy for little folks. :) Its average weight is between 20-25 lbs and a real heavy one can weigh about 50 lbs. Wahoo! Yep. That's heavy. :)

Sasha opening the Aron Kodesh curtain so we can see where the Torahs are kept.

Marching around the Bima (the table on which the Torah is read) with the flags we made.


Many years ago, while the Jewish People were traveling in the desert, Hashem did many things to protect them and give them comfort. He shielded them from the hot desert sun by covering them with a cloud hovering over their heads, He protected their feet from snakes and the hot sand they were walking on by placing a cloud beneath them, He put a cloud behind them to keep them safe from the Egyptian people coming after them who wanted to bring them back into slavery in Egypt, He placed two clouds on their right and left side to protect them from wild animals, and lastly, He placed a cloud in front of them to direct their way by day through the desert and as light to show their way at night. -6 clouds.

How do we celebrate today to remember this kindness Hashem did for us back then?
We eat and drink in a sukka for 7 days and nights.
What is a sukka?
It is a hut built outside with four walls, the ground/ floor, and a roof. -6 surroundings just like the clouds.
The roof is built with wooden sticks and leaves placed over them. We place them in a way that we can see the stars shining through the wood and leaves. How beautiful!

On Sukkos, we wave a lulav and esrog in all directions to remind us Hashem is everywhere.


Hashem is here,
Hashem is there,
Hashem is truly everywhere. 2X

Up, up,
Down, Down,
Right, left, and all around,
Here, there, and everywhere,
Is where He can be found.

Bibi with his Sukka decoration.

Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur

Sending Rosh Hashana Cards to our parents :)

Shaping sweet round challas for Rosh Hashana.
The round challas look like a crown. We bake them in that shape reminding ourselves Hashem is our King and the King of the whole world who judges us on Rosh Hashana.

Because Hashem loves us, He gave us another holiday after Rosh Hashana. Its called Yom Kipur. But before Yom Kippur we think about any mistakes we have done which may have hurt the feelings of others and made them upset. We tell our friends we are sorry for the ways we've behaved and ask them for forgiveness and tell Hashem we will try our best by making  better choices in the future. It makes Hashem happy to see when we are kind, gentle, and polite with people around us. When Hashem sees we are sincere about our newly improved decisions, He wants to do even more good things for us.

Before Yom Kipur, we try and do more mitzvos such as giving extra tzedaka.
In our class, we emptied our tzedaka box which we filled up each morning coin by coin. We decided to give this money to people who will need money to buy food for Yom Kippur.

Doing Kaparos over a chicken with Rabbi Naftoli.
On Yom Kipur, we daven (pray) to Hashem to grant us only good things for the coming year. We want to focus on our davening so much on this special day. Adults try their best not to eat or drink, wear leather shoes since they are more comfortable than ones which may not be, and we dont spend our time applying creams and perfumes. We just want to daven, daven, daven!!!

Letter Vais

Letter Vais looks like Letter Beis without the dot.
Big line on the top, big line coming down, big line on the bottom, and a little line in the back.

Letter Beis

Daniela was our Mail Carrier. she brought us the Letter Beis. Its form has one big line on top, one big line coming down, one big line on the bottom, one little line in the back, and one dot in the middle.
Letter Beis looks similar to a house which in Hebrew is called a bayis with a roof, a wall, a floor, a backyard, and a window inside.

Bibi and Bluma both begin with the Hebrew Letter Beis.  :)