Sunday, February 8, 2015

Tu BShvat

Tu B'Shvat is the Rosh Hashana- a Day of Judgement for all trees and agriculture.

Also, for the past 4 months it has been raining off and on in Eretz Yisroel. The land has finally saturated all the rain. It collects all the minerals it needs from the soil, and begins to make its way up the tree and into he branches. The trees feels tickled and begins to wake up from the winter slumber. With enough wind and sun (and love) the trees are able to produce buds, flowers, leaves, and fruit. 

The fastest growing tree is the Almond Tree.

The almond tree is growing, the golden sun is glowing,
Birds sing out in joyous glee,
From every roof and every tree.
Tu B'Shvat is here,
Rosh Hashana for the trees,
Tu B'Shvat is here,
Rosh Hashana for the trees.

We celebrate Tu B'Shvat by eating the 7 fruits Israel has been blessed with as well as new fruits we haven't eaten in a year.
Each fruit represents and corresponds to something spiritual and something tangible, such as wealth, what the world will be like in the future...
Pomegranates, olives, dates, figs, grapes, wheat, and barley.

For more cool info on the reasons for the fruits click link:

The cycle of Tree Life.
Here Sasha is holding a project he made on a tree in its different seasons and what the tree begins to look like in Eretz Yisroel and will soon look like here. The Spring Tree.

Bluma making an edible tree.
What does edible mean?
Ask you child. He or she will know.

Our traditional annual cake tree we have at our Tu B'Shvat Party

At our Tu B'Shvat getting ready to eat all this delicious fruits. YUM!!
We were so brave trying the fruits. 

Our PreK Graph of the fruits we enjoyed at the party and the fruits which wasnt much of some our tastes. Nevertheless, fun!
Grapes and things made of wheat was the winner!! Wahoo!

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