Monday, September 29, 2014

Rosh Hashana II

We got lucky.
Morah Tammy's husband came to our class and showed us many sizes and textured Shofars that come from the head of various animals.
We learned how to blow a shofar and we heard the many sounds it makes.
What is a shofar?
It is a horn of an animal. (Except a cow) 
The PreK Friends learned that the Shofar in our class comes from the horn of a ram, a male sheep.
It gets cut off from the animal, gets cleaned inside of muscle and bone, then drilled through to make a complete opening, the tip gets cut off from where the shofar is blown, and lastly before the shofar is taken to a home or shul, it gets sanded since horns are normally rough on the outside.
Do you know what the horn feels like? A fingernail. Do you think it hurts the animal when it gets cut off from its head? No. Just like it doesnt hurt to cut our nails, it also doesnt hurt the animal when we cut off its horn.

PreK wants to wish all our families and friends a healthy, happy, and sweet New Year. :)
May all our prayers be answered at the right time. 

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Letter Alef Review

Forming Letter Alef
How many ways are there to form letters?
With rubber bands on geo boards

In our Alef Beis Work Book with paper lines and markers.

On the white board.

With play dough.

And many more other ways. Stay tuned. :)

The friends are doing a great job learning Letter Alef! 
Keep up the good work!!

Rosh Hashana

Happy Jewish New Years!
This upcoming Wednesday night the first holiday of the New Year we will be celebrating for two days.
It is called, "Rosh Hashana"- "The Head of the Year".
It is a time for new beginnings We daven (pray) to Hashem to grant us a sweet New Year with goodness and happiness. We ask for a year of life, health, success, and pride form our children.
We also think of ways we can improve in our lives and make good resolutions that we will work hard to keep for the coming year. We make decisions that will impact positively on our lives.
It is a time for NEW things. So we pray for a good new year and we eat new fruit and wear new clothes.

Adam is trying new fruit called cactus fruit.
Is it sour? Nope. It is very sweet. However, Adam was so brave to try something new. This was his reaction. :) Good on you Adam for being open minded!

We want Hashem to grant us a SWEET year and so we also eat sweet things such as apples dipped into honey.

Isabella so sweetly tasting the sweet honey. Yum!
What awesome smiles the friends had on their faces when they were done tasting the honey. :)
They then understood the connection between eating something sweet and what it means to ask for a sweet year. SWEET = GOOD. :)

Sweet Talia dipping a sweet red apple into sweet honey. Double yum! :)


Do you know how bees make honey?
The Pre-K friends know. Ask them. :)
Buzzy the Bee chooses  flowers with nectar in it.
What is nectar? It is a sugary fluid that taste like sugar water. Yes, we got to taste sugar water to understand what the bee tastes and why it likes it so much.
Then, Buzzy the Bee takes nectar with its tongue and bring it to the "House" Bee in the bee hive.
The "House" Bee thanks the Bee for bringing him the nectar and chews on it happily for a half hour. He then flies to the honey comb, and pours it into it. The Bee waits for the watery fluids from the nectar to get evaporated and pours a wax covering over to preserve it.
Isn't it incredible the way Hashem created the bees and what their functions are!!

Click below for a great animated click showing how bees make honey.
The friends watched it and they loved it.

Monday, September 15, 2014

This week we learned

Dear Pre-K Friends,
welcome to our blog. It will tell you what Pre-K friends are up to, what  did we learn and will learn, where did we go and will go, what activities we did and will do. Please, become active members of our blog and we will have a lot of fun!  
Last week, Pre-K Friends learnt first letter- L l.
Everyone was happy to learn that Nissan's father and sister names start with letter L, David's mom name starts with letter L, Sasha's friend's name start with the letter L and whole Sasha's family share same last name that start with the letter of the week!

Friends learnt to make the letter L using BIG LINE and LITTLE LINE. Friends practiced to build  letter L with the lines, to make  letter L with play dough and to write  letter L on the  paper.

Friends learnt that letter L says /l/ like in words ladybug, lantern, log, lizard, lion and lollipop. To review letter L sound, please, make sure your child does homework and  visit very interactive website-
To preview the this week letter F sound please visit  

The number of the week was number 1. Friends learnt that to make number one they need only one line. 

Friends learned that a country in which all numbers live is called the Number Line. In the Number Line country every number has own place. 1 lives between numbers 0 and 2. Friends learnt that number 1 is more than 0 but less than 2. 

In the class, friends will use "Ten Black Dots" book by Donald Crews. This book will not only help us to learn about numbers and counting but as well it will help us to develop imagination. Every one will make their own " Ten Black Dots" book. 

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Letter Alef

Wouldn't it be great if we could read the special letters of the Hebrew language, the words in the Torah and the siddur? Yes! Of course! Therefore we have begun to learn the Hebrew Alphabet. This is such exciting news!!

This week a letter "arrived" to our class from the Alef Beis Factory. Our Mail Man who brought us the letter was Isaac. :) We opened up the big yellow envelope to find the first letter of the Alef Bies. It was Letter Alef. :)

The form of Alef has one big line coming down, one little line on top, and one little line on the bottom.

Aviron (Hebrew for airplane) begins with the Letter Alef.
Guess what? An aviron even looks similar to the Letter Alef with its long slanted body flying in the air with its two wings.
Wow. What a good hint to remembering the shape of the letter.
We have so many friends in our class who begins with the Letter Alef. Its like a Super Alef Week for many of us! :)

  • Avraham (Sasha)
  • Isabelle
  • Adam
  • Elisheva (Elizabeth)

Shabbos Party

Come Friday PreK celebrates in a special way. Really? Yes. 
We have a Shabbos Party every week.  We set our table with a beautiful table cloth, Shabbos candles, kiddush cups, grape juice, fresh and warm challa from the oven, and food for our meal.
Then the girls don fancy jewelry while the boys put on bow ties and fedoras. We dress up for special times such as Shabbos. :)
One boy is chosen to be the Shabbos Abba (dad) and one girl is chosen to be the Shabbos Imma (Mom). 
We light the candles, make kiddush, eat challa, and our meal.
It is fun "celebrating" Shabbos in a playful way with all our friends.