Monday, September 15, 2014

This week we learned

Dear Pre-K Friends,
welcome to our blog. It will tell you what Pre-K friends are up to, what  did we learn and will learn, where did we go and will go, what activities we did and will do. Please, become active members of our blog and we will have a lot of fun!  
Last week, Pre-K Friends learnt first letter- L l.
Everyone was happy to learn that Nissan's father and sister names start with letter L, David's mom name starts with letter L, Sasha's friend's name start with the letter L and whole Sasha's family share same last name that start with the letter of the week!

Friends learnt to make the letter L using BIG LINE and LITTLE LINE. Friends practiced to build  letter L with the lines, to make  letter L with play dough and to write  letter L on the  paper.

Friends learnt that letter L says /l/ like in words ladybug, lantern, log, lizard, lion and lollipop. To review letter L sound, please, make sure your child does homework and  visit very interactive website-
To preview the this week letter F sound please visit  

The number of the week was number 1. Friends learnt that to make number one they need only one line. 

Friends learned that a country in which all numbers live is called the Number Line. In the Number Line country every number has own place. 1 lives between numbers 0 and 2. Friends learnt that number 1 is more than 0 but less than 2. 

In the class, friends will use "Ten Black Dots" book by Donald Crews. This book will not only help us to learn about numbers and counting but as well it will help us to develop imagination. Every one will make their own " Ten Black Dots" book. 

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