Thursday, October 23, 2014

Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur

Sending Rosh Hashana Cards to our parents :)

Shaping sweet round challas for Rosh Hashana.
The round challas look like a crown. We bake them in that shape reminding ourselves Hashem is our King and the King of the whole world who judges us on Rosh Hashana.

Because Hashem loves us, He gave us another holiday after Rosh Hashana. Its called Yom Kipur. But before Yom Kippur we think about any mistakes we have done which may have hurt the feelings of others and made them upset. We tell our friends we are sorry for the ways we've behaved and ask them for forgiveness and tell Hashem we will try our best by making  better choices in the future. It makes Hashem happy to see when we are kind, gentle, and polite with people around us. When Hashem sees we are sincere about our newly improved decisions, He wants to do even more good things for us.

Before Yom Kipur, we try and do more mitzvos such as giving extra tzedaka.
In our class, we emptied our tzedaka box which we filled up each morning coin by coin. We decided to give this money to people who will need money to buy food for Yom Kippur.

Doing Kaparos over a chicken with Rabbi Naftoli.
On Yom Kipur, we daven (pray) to Hashem to grant us only good things for the coming year. We want to focus on our davening so much on this special day. Adults try their best not to eat or drink, wear leather shoes since they are more comfortable than ones which may not be, and we dont spend our time applying creams and perfumes. We just want to daven, daven, daven!!!

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