Sunday, December 28, 2014

How is oil made?

Our trip to the Jewish Children's Museum to learn how oil is made

We got there. We are piling off the bus. So excited!! :)

The better olives for pressing are the black olives. They have more juice.

Sasha collected all the black olives from the friends, placed it in his basket to get ready for pressing.
He did a great job collecting them all.

Isaac and David hard at work squeezing the olives.

When olives are squeezed they make juice. after letting them sit for a while, or  put in a special machine for spinning the juice, it allows the oil to seperate from the juice and surface to the top.

The oil we squeezed from the olives collected we used to light the menorah. How awesome!!

We then made our very own wax candles to light the candles on the  menorah with.

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