Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Letter Yud

Our Mail Carrier Isabelle brought us the Letter Yud. Yud is a super easy letter, all you have to do is make one little line on top and one little line coming down. That's it!

When a little Yeled (boy) turns three years old it marks a big celebrations.
He is mature enough to understand what Hashem is and the importance of keeping different mitzvos.
A mitzva that a boy of three and older try to do is wear a Yarkulkah/ Kippa on his head to remind him at all times who is above him: Hashem. 
Yeled and Yarmulka begin with the Letter Yud.

Yalda (girl) begins with Letter Yud

Yiladim- plural for boys and girls
Yiladot- Plural for girls

Yadayim (hands not clapping :) begins with Letter Yud
One hand is Yad

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