Sunday, February 1, 2015

Letter Lamed

Isaac, our Mail Man brought us the Hebrew letter of the week Lamed.
Lamed has one little line cooming down, one big line across, and one big slanted line coming down.
Lamed looks like a great yoga pose- chair squatting. Easy way to remember the letter. :)

Our Mail Man Isaac.

Talia forming letter lamed in a chair squat. Fun!
Do you think it helps us remember the form of the letter when we form them with our bodies? Yes! Of course!! It uses visual and kinesthetic part of our brain which helps us learn and remember things in more than one way such as auditory learning.

How do we say lemon in Hebrew? Leemon.
Together we squeezed lemons and made lemonade- Leemoonada.

David rolliing the leemon getting it soft and ready to squeeze.
Yes! He discovered that he's got strong muscles that could do the rolling job well.
It wasn't easy.

Doron squeezing leemon into the pitcher.

Bibi pouring in the mayim- water for the ade.

Sasha doing the favoritest job- pouring in the sugar. :)
Well actually we all got to pour in some sweet sugar.
There's nothing like turning something sour into something sweet.

Lemon tasting.
I detect a little sour face.
Eating lemons isnt always the easiest thing to do ;)
And then we all got to enjoy the leemoonada for breakfast. Yum!

It was a special week for Isaac since the new Hebrew letter Lamed we learned is the first letter of his Hebrew name- Levi. :) Wahoo!! Here he is wearing his Lamed crown. :)

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