Monday, February 16, 2015

Letter Nun

Nissan, our Mail Man, woke up Monday morning in a really good mood. He knew it was a special week for him. He bundled up well and made his way through the wind and snow. He got to Pre-K and brought them their new letter. It was Letter Nun. Nun is the same letter that his name Nissan begins with with!!:) What could be better?

Nun has one little line on top, one big line coming down, one little line across on the bottom.

Nissan Nun

Niggun- Instrumental song/ music begins with letter Nun
Letter Nun looks like a singer singing and sitting on a chair. :)

Netillas Yadayim- Washing our hands
Ner- Candle begins with  Letter Nun

Netillas yadayim (washing our hands) begins with the letter Nun.
While we are sleeping a part of our neshama (soul) goes up to Hashem. During that time, Hashem goes through our actions of our day and keeps track of all the things we did. When we wake up, our neshama comes back to us leaving behind a spiritual uncleanliness on our hands which we can not see. We wash it off by washing our hands with water from a cup in the morning. We fill up the cup to the top, pick it up, and wash up to the wrist once on the right and once on the left, alternating 3 times each.
This is the way we wash our hands,
Wash our hands,
Wash our hands, 
This is the way we wash our hands,
So early in the morning,
Once on the right, 
And once on the left,
Once on the right, 
And once on the left,
Once on the right, 
And once on the left,
So early in the morning. 

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