Sunday, March 8, 2015

Purim Customs

When the tables were turned and the Jews were victorious over being annihalated, Esther and Mordechai felt it was necesary for this Purim story to be written for all later Jewish generations as a reminder of Hashem's guiding hamd in our daily lives and the many great lessons we can learn from this large story.
They decided to write the story in a Megillah and chose 4 mitzvos to be kept annually. 

 Purim Mitzva #1: Listen to the Megillah being read the night and day of Purim.
Purim Mitzva #2:
Give two ready made foods to at least 1 person.

Purim Mitzva #3: Eat a meal

Purim Mitzva #4: Give Tzeddaka to at least 2 people in need.
Here we are at our Purim Party, listening to the Purim Story.
Then we had an amazing 2015 Costume Runway!!
Woot Woot! To our Princess Daniela!!
We then danced, traded Mishloach Manos, and enjoyed a treat.

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