Many years ago, in the Land of Persia, in the City of Shushan, there was a King named Achashveirosh who allowed the Jewish people living in his land to rebuild the Beis Hamikdosh and move back to Eretz yisroel. His wife, Queen Vashti halted the process.
King Achashveirosh called upon all people in his land, including all the Jewish people to come and join him in celebration on becoming the new king and having his throne finished being built.
There was a special man, a Tzaddik, who cared deeply for the Jewish people. His name was Rabbi Mordechia. He begged the Jewish people not to go to the party although it was enticing. He told them it wasn't a place for a Jewish person. Many people abode Mordechai and didn't go to the party, others went out of fear of disobeying the King since the party invite was a law for all citizens to join, and others went to have fun.
At the party Haman, the King's Adviser, offered the Jewish people non Kosher food to infuriate Hashem. Haman wasn't one to be very kind.
King Achshveirosh had a Queen her name was Vashti. She was at her palace entertaining her maid servants at her party. The King called for her to join him at the party.
She didn't feel comfortable to come since Hashem had made big, red, hot, and swollen pimples appear on her face. Hashem was upset with her for forcing Jewish girls work for her on Shabbos although she knew they weren't allowed to and even though they told her so. She made them work, mop, and clean her palace anyways. She wouldn't take their religion or requests into consideration.
King Achashveirosh was upset that his Queen disobeyed him and wouldn't show up at the party. Haman, the King's Adviser, recommended to the King that since his Queen embarrassed him by refusing his invite, she doesn't deserve to be the Queen any longer. He should get rid of her.
And that is what the King did.
King Achashveirosh listened to anyone;s advice that was offered to him. He didn't think much for himself. Why? King Ach. didn't come from a royal dynasty and didn't have royal blood. He was a self appointed king. He wasn't very secure about his position and decisions he had to make so he listened to everyone else;s advice.
The King woke up the next morning and was sad when he remembered he gave up his Queen. Haman advised him to find a new queen. Haman was appointed as the King's Chief Adviser.
All girls from around the land was instructed to come to the palace and have King Achashveirosh choose an eligible king. It wasn't a choice.
There was a kind and beautiful girl named Esther. She didn't have a Mommy and Tatty so she lived with her kind and caring Uncle Mordechai who took care of all her needs and taught her everything she knew. Esther trusted Mordechai. She heard about the King looking for a new queen and quickly went to tell Mordechai that she doesn't want to go. She would rather live with him.
Mordechai understood Esther. He told her that he also wanted her very much to continue living with him but she would have go to the palace like all the girls. And if in the case Esther would be chosen to be the queen, Mordechai reminded her that it was what Hashem would want.
She was taken to the palace by the King's guards. She was brought in front of the King for judgement and all of the sudden Hashem placed a thought in King Achashveirosh's mind to choose Esther as his new Queen.
King Achashveirosh made Mordechai his Advisor on the consultation of Esther. He told him that every King would have a Jewish advisor since it was good for bringing up the economy of the land and for big palatial decisions that needed to be made.
The King also rewarded Mordechai for saving his life from two guards that wanted to get rid of the King.
The King recorded this great deed in his Big Book of Memories.
Haman grew jealous day by day of Mordechai. He was upset that Mordechai wouldn't bow to him like the rest of the citizens since he felt so important and prestigious at this point since he was Chief Adviser.
Mordechai politely refused to bow saying he only bows to Hashem and no human being besides for Kings out of respect.
Haman was very offended and insulted by Mordechai. He quickly went to speak with the King and asked if he can get rid of a nation who is no good for the Land. The king immediately agreed to Haman's wishes. He figured his Chief Adviser knew what he was doing and didn't bother asking him which nation he was referring to.
Well, this nation were the Jewish people.
He chose a date to get rid of the Jews, the 13th day of the Hebrew Month of Adar. He sent a message to all the people asking for their cooperation in the Jews eradication.
When Mordechai and the Jews heard this terrible news they davened to Hashem, begging him to foil Haman's plans.
In the meantime, Mordechai went to Esther telling her that Hashem placed her in the palace not for her own pleasure of course, but for the need of the Jewish for when they will need her help on their behalf. He told her to go to the King and tell him that Haman was planning to get rid of her nation and herself. (King Achavshveirosh didn't know she was Jewish)
She went on condition that the Jewish people would daven very intensely that the King will accept her and her words.
The Jews davened and fasted.
Queen Esther went into the King's chambers to speak with him on this urgent matter but didn't feel it was the right time to tell him about Haman's plans. Instead she invited the King and Haman to a party at her palace which they both happily agreed to.
At the party, Esther still hadn't felt ready to divulge this huge secret of her being a Jew and about the awful plan of Haman and so she invited them to a second party. At the second party, the Queen pointed to Haman and revealed Haman's full plan and intentions.
Haman and his entire family were punished for being involved in this horrible project.
The Jewish people were victorious.
It seemed that Hashem was hiding and not there for the Jewish people. But Hashem can never do that. He is always around even when it seems He has left us, doesnt care for us, or watching out for us.
But Hashem was able to make the whole story of Purim come into play naturally and able to achieve everything He wanted. Hashem is in control.
Hashem wanted the miracles of Purim to come naturally through the Jewish people's hard work, davening, and teshuva (repentance).
Therefore, Hashem's name is not written in the Megilla Purim story because Hashem was masked though nature then.
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