Monday, January 26, 2015

Our Community- Shul (Synagogue)

Shul is very important in the Jewish community.
If a baby is born in the family- we go to shul. 
If a baby needs to get a name- we go to shul.
For Bar Mitzva and Bat Mitzva- we go to shul.  
For Shabbos and yom tovs- we go to shul. 
 Friends met with Rabbi Dovid Okonov. He showed friends , some precious things- 
Aron Koddesh and precious Torah scrolls in beautiful covers and crowns, 
tallises, siddurs and many books.  Friends asked Rabbi Dovid what is his job? 

Rabbi Dovid said that his job is very important. He makes sure that help is given to everyone in need. 
If anyone needs advice- Rabbi is there to help; 
if anyone needs a mezuzah on the door- Rabbi is there to help. 
Friends wanted to know what Rabbi does when he is not in shul? 
Rabbi Dovid, first of all, is a father. He takes care of his family. 
But when he has some free time, he learns Torah. 
Rabbi needs to learn a lot in order to teach others. 
Friends mentioned that they like to come in shul for yom tov. What is our favorite yom tov? 
Talia said, she likes Chanukkah because she loves to eat chocolate gelts. 
David like Chanukah too, because we get presents. 
Adam said that he likes Rosh Hashana because he likes to hear a shofar. 
Nissan likes Pessach because he enjoys matza. 
Doron said that he likes Chanukah because he loves to eat lollipops and doughnuts. 
Isaac said that he loves Rosh Hashana because he likes to eat a lot of food. 
Bluma said that she loves Sukkot. 
Bibi likes Rosh Hashana because he likes everything sweet. 
Elizabeth likes Pessach matza. 
Daniela likes Sukkot because she loves to eat apples and honey. 
Sasha loves Pessach because he can eat matza that never tried before. 

Insta Snow

PreK friends learned new word- ABSORB.

The tissue paper absorbed water. To absorb means to take in. 
What other things do absorb water?  

The Insta Snow polymers absorb water in. Polymers become bigger when water is absorbed.  

That is how we got a full box of insta snow. 
It is fun to play with such snow- it is not cold and most important it doesn't melt. 

Insta Snow is FUN! 

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Our Community- Our School

A good school in the community is a very important thing. Everyone agrees with it. 
Any school is some kind of community on its own. There are morahs, kids, and assistants who get together to work, learn and play.  What is Morahs job in the school?
Morah Frumie visited our class and told us that morahs job is to take good care of children. 
Morahs teach friends not only letters and numbers, they teach them how to be good people. 

Morah Chanie, the principle of the school, is a member of our school community. 
Her job is to make sure that Morahs have everything that they need to teach kids. 
  Morah Chanie knows everyone in school- parents and children. 

Mrs. Inna is a member of our school community. Her job is to order everything that Morahs need for teaching kids. Mrs. Inna job is to arrange school buses for our trips.
 She takes care of ordering school lunch, as well. 

Mrs. Alicia is a member of our school community. 
She makes copies, print outs, she laminates our projects and makes calls. 

Mrs. Izabelle and Mr. Gena are members of our school community.
 Mrs.Izabelle makes sure that our classrooms are clean and lunch is served in time. 
Mrs. Gena keeps our school together:) He fixes everything that needs to be fixed. 
In our class, Mr. Gena fixed lights and the Lego wall board. 
But the most important members of our community are MAZEL KIDS! 

Monday, January 19, 2015

Our community- My House

Friends start an exciting unit- Our Community! Community starts with people who live or work together. 

Some people live in houses, some people live in apartment building. Few families can live in the house, 
a lot more families live in the apartment building. 
Friends learned that every house has an address. 
Friends drew pictures of their homes, and  mailed it to their home address.

Icy Fingers, Icy toes...

Is it winter, yet? Yes, said friends. 
Friends enjoyed watching snow falling looking outside of the window. 

We decided to go outside to explore winter! 
What did we find out? We put on snow pants, sweaters, hats, scarves and mittens to go outside. 
Winter is cold. 

We noticed that snowflakes fall from the clouds. Sometimes, they fall one by one, sometime in clusters. 
Snowflakes do not like alike. 

Snow is sticking to the ground, snow is sticking to our mittens. 
Puddle water turns into ice. Ice is slippery! 
Frost makes our noses and cheeks red. 

The temperature goes DOWN! 

How can we get warm? By moving- jump and dance:) 

Friends made winter collages. 

These weeks we learned

Friends were so happy to learn letter D
Letter D is David's, Doron's and Daniela's letter. Their names start with letter D. 
Doron's aunt Dina's name start with letter D as well.
To make letter one needs one big line and one big curve. 

Friends have great time decoration letter D with doughnuts stickers. Delicious!!! 

The next week after, we learned letter P. To make letter P, one needs one big line and one little curve. 
Look at our "popping" Ps. 
Doron was proud to share that his grandfather's name Paul start with letter P. 
We celebrated letter P with making the pancakes. 
Friends mixed the pancake butter. 
We fried PANCAKES! 

We ate them with maple syrup! PERFECT breakfast! 

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Letter Chof

Sasha our Mail Man trudged through the freezing cold and wet snow. He knew Prek was excitedly awaiting his arrival since he would bring us a new letter. He did so making sure it stayed dried under fall of the snow.
He opened up the envelope for us and inside we found the Letter Chof. Chof looks like Letter Kaf but it is missing a dot. 

Sasha our Mail Man

Bibi drawing Letter Kaf and Chof to hang on our wall.
He worked hard on the letters. :)

The Friends are becoming real life Alef Beis Champions!! Wahoo!
I am so proud of their work and progress!
Let's keep reviewing the letters with them. :)

Happy birthday Daniela

We celebrated  a mini birthday party with Daniela on her actual Hebrew birthday before her big party coming up this Tuesday.
Daneila, we wish you all the best things in life, great friends, always love learning as you do now, and keep making your parents proud of you!! 
We love you Daniela!

Parshas Shmos

Here you can see Bibi is our King Pharoa and Bluma is his daughter, Princess Basya- She saved Baby Moshe from the water! :)
For more on the Parsha click link below:

For a song on the Parsha click link below:

Shabbos Ima and Shabbos Abba

Thank you Isabelle and Adam for being our Shabbos Ima and Abba.
You definitely led a great Shabbos meal with all our guest and friends. :)