Monday, January 19, 2015

These weeks we learned

Friends were so happy to learn letter D
Letter D is David's, Doron's and Daniela's letter. Their names start with letter D. 
Doron's aunt Dina's name start with letter D as well.
To make letter one needs one big line and one big curve. 

Friends have great time decoration letter D with doughnuts stickers. Delicious!!! 

The next week after, we learned letter P. To make letter P, one needs one big line and one little curve. 
Look at our "popping" Ps. 
Doron was proud to share that his grandfather's name Paul start with letter P. 
We celebrated letter P with making the pancakes. 
Friends mixed the pancake butter. 
We fried PANCAKES! 

We ate them with maple syrup! PERFECT breakfast! 

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