Monday, January 19, 2015

Icy Fingers, Icy toes...

Is it winter, yet? Yes, said friends. 
Friends enjoyed watching snow falling looking outside of the window. 

We decided to go outside to explore winter! 
What did we find out? We put on snow pants, sweaters, hats, scarves and mittens to go outside. 
Winter is cold. 

We noticed that snowflakes fall from the clouds. Sometimes, they fall one by one, sometime in clusters. 
Snowflakes do not like alike. 

Snow is sticking to the ground, snow is sticking to our mittens. 
Puddle water turns into ice. Ice is slippery! 
Frost makes our noses and cheeks red. 

The temperature goes DOWN! 

How can we get warm? By moving- jump and dance:) 

Friends made winter collages. 

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