Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Our Community- Our School

A good school in the community is a very important thing. Everyone agrees with it. 
Any school is some kind of community on its own. There are morahs, kids, and assistants who get together to work, learn and play.  What is Morahs job in the school?
Morah Frumie visited our class and told us that morahs job is to take good care of children. 
Morahs teach friends not only letters and numbers, they teach them how to be good people. 

Morah Chanie, the principle of the school, is a member of our school community. 
Her job is to make sure that Morahs have everything that they need to teach kids. 
  Morah Chanie knows everyone in school- parents and children. 

Mrs. Inna is a member of our school community. Her job is to order everything that Morahs need for teaching kids. Mrs. Inna job is to arrange school buses for our trips.
 She takes care of ordering school lunch, as well. 

Mrs. Alicia is a member of our school community. 
She makes copies, print outs, she laminates our projects and makes calls. 

Mrs. Izabelle and Mr. Gena are members of our school community.
 Mrs.Izabelle makes sure that our classrooms are clean and lunch is served in time. 
Mrs. Gena keeps our school together:) He fixes everything that needs to be fixed. 
In our class, Mr. Gena fixed lights and the Lego wall board. 
But the most important members of our community are MAZEL KIDS! 

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