Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Parshas Toldos

For more information on the Parsha please click link below:

For a song on the Parsha click link below:

In our class we have a twin - Isaac!
We brought his twin David to our class so we can discuss what twins are, and see how similar and different Isaac and David are.
When David walked in to our room the friends were confused. It was hard for them to tell the difference between Isaac and David since they look very similar and like lots of the same things such as chocolate ice cream. However, we noticed some slight differences between them, such as, Isaac has slightly lighter hair and eyebrows than David.

We wanted to taste the type of soup Yaacov cooked for Avraham and gave to Yitzchok.
Here is Jackie pouring in the diced carrots we cut up. After it was cooked, we ate it for lunch.
Lentil Soup Recipe
Zucchini - Dice
Carrots - Dice
Celery - Dice
Onion - Dice
Tomatoe Sauce

Let it all boil and cook in one pot for an hour.

Enjoy!! It is really Yum!

Letter Vov

Letter Vov has one little line on top, and one big line coming down.

Sasha our Mail Man
A rose in Hebrew is called a Vered.
Vered begins with letter Vov.
Am interesting hint to remember letter vov: When the vered vov begins to wilt, it looks like letter vov.
The color pink in Hebrew sounds similar to Vered. It is called Varod.

PreK Concert

Jackie was kind to let us use her microphone for a solo concert given by the friends for the friends.
We got turns to sing any song of our choice. We had our own time to shine and show our talents. It was fun!
Thank you Jackie!

Mazel Tov Inna!

Mazel Tov to our dear Morah Inna on the marriage of her daughter Miriam.
May you always have reason to celebrate.
Mazel Tov!!

Thank you Shur Family!

Thank you to Jackie Shur and her Family for giving our class a present that will help us and reinforce our learning numbers and amounts. It is the game of Dominos and the friends are already so excited playing it.
Thank you!

Adam's Birthday

Mazel Tov Adam on your 4th birthday!
May you always make your parents proud, love to learn, and be the kind boy that you are.

Thank you Yeva for the gifts you have bought for our class. We will have great use of them.

Letter Hay

Bibi was our Mail Man and brought us the Letter Hay. Its form - one big line on top, one big line coming down, and one little line coming down on the other side.

Bibi our Mail Man

Do we have any friends in our class who begin with the letter Hay? No. But there is someone we know well who begins with that letter. He is not a person. He is invisible and yet at the same time He is everywhere. HE watches over us all the time and sees everything we do every second of our lives. He gives us life, He gives us our families, He gives us our friends, and He gives us everything we need.
I know you guessed it! It is HASHEM! Hashem begins with the letter Hay.
Thank you Hashem for all that You give us.
The picture above of the arrows shows Hashem is everywhere.
Hashem is here,
Hasehm is there,
Hashem is truly everywhere. 2x
Up, up,
Down, down,
Right, left, and all around,
Here there and everywhere,
Is where Hashem is found.

Model Beis Hamikdosh

Isabelle's Grandpa is very talented.
He created a model of Yerushalayim, the Kotel wall, and the people in its city.
We are lucky to be the recipients of such a beautiful gift and will be used well for reference during the Chanuka and Purim story.. 
Thank you very much!! :)

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Letter Zayin

Isabelle our Mail Carrier brought us the Letter Zayin. It has one little slanted line coming down and one big straight line coming down.
Zayin looks like it is falling asleep while standing. ZZZZZzzzz!!!

Talia is forming Letter Zayin with her body

Adam is blowing out zemer (instrument) zayin. 

Parshas Chayei Sara

For more information on the Parsha click link below:

For more a song on the Parsha click link below:

Parshas Vayera

For more information on the parsha click link below:

For a song on the Parsha click link below:

Monday, November 10, 2014

All About Us - Our Names

What makes us the same? The first gift that we get from Hashem is our NESHAMA.
What makes me a Jew? I have a neshama.
Straight from Hashem it came.
Every Jew has a neshama from one Hashem
And that makes me and you the same.
Everyone is born to be a girl or a boy.
Jewish people do not get named by the birth.
Girls get names on the Torah Day- Monday, Thursday, Shabbat or Yom Tov 
Boys get names when they are 8 days old by the Bris.

During the class discussion, we found out that our boys are happy to be boys,
our girls are happy to be girls. What our friends said about why do they like to be girls or boys.

Adam said, " I like to be a boy because my mom said I am a boy. I like to wear kippah and tzitit." 
Isaac said, " I like to be a boy. Hashem made me this way." 
Bluma said, " I like to be a girl because I get to wear earrings."
Doron said, " I like to be a boy because I like to wear kippah and tzizis. I am asking mom to buy me one." 
Talia said," I like to be a girl because I get to wear earrings and nail polish." 
Nissan said, " I like to be a boy because I get to wear kippah." 
Daniela said, " I like to be a girl because I like to wear skirts." 
Jackie said " I like to be a girl because I like to do ponytails. I like to wash my hair by myself." 
David said, " I like to be a boy because I like to sleep in my own bed and play with my big brother Ilan."
Bibi said, " I like to be a boy because I want to be a constructor and build new houses." 
Elizabeth said, " I like to be a girl because I get to wear a headband." 
Sasha said, " I like to be a boy because I get to wear kippah." 

Who do we have more in the class? Girls or Boys?
Friends counted. We have 7 boys and 6 girls in our class.

Learning about names is interesting.  Where do names come from?
The first name in the world was Adam.  When Hashem finished creating the earth and the sky, the moon and the starts, the plants and animals, he created a man and called him Adam. That is who our friends Adam is named after.
Some of our names come from Torah.
Names like Adam, Issac, and Avraham.   

We learned to stamp our names.

We learn to write our names. Upper case letters are easy to write that is why we use only upper case letters for writing.  It takes a lot of skills to memorize how our names are written - what letters are in our names, and in what order should we write them. It takes a lot of practice. 

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Excitements of the week

Check the new books in our library

We continue exploring paint property

New Hebrew letters on the wall

Writing letters on the wall - that is new!

Accomplishment of  48 pieces puzzle!

Making challah dough for Preschool Shabbos challas

Mixing challah dough is so much fun...
Some more mixing...

Friday Obstacle Course is always exciting!
We can't wait next week excitements!  

Number of the week

The number of this week was the number that lives on the Number Line between
numbers 3 and 5.

Number 4 might look different.

We know what is four.
Friends put four chips in Ten Frame.

Friends learn that 4 is more that numbers before it.
For example, 4 is more than 3
and 4 is more than 2

Letter of the week

The letter of the week was letter I.
Everyone was excited to learn that our friends names- Isabelle and Isaac,  Bibi's, Jackie's moms names, and Doron's great grand mother names -Irene and Ira start with letter I.

Letter I says /i/ like in words igloo, iguana, inch, insect, instrument, inside and etc.

To make letter I one needs one big line and two little lines.

To review letter I sound, please, visit http://www.starfall.com/n/level-k/letter-i/load.htm?f
To preteach next week letter U, please visit http://www.starfall.com/n/level-k/letter-u/load.htm?f

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Number of the week

The number of the week was the number that lives on the Number Line between numbers 2 and 4.
You are right, it was number 3.

Friends work on number recognition and rational counting

Friends learned that a set of  3 is more than a set of 1

A set of 3 is more than a set of 2.
A set of 3 is equal to a set of 3

Friends learned how to write number 3-
little curve and little curve
The next week number will be number 4.