Sunday, November 2, 2014

Pumpkin Time

What did we learn about pumpkin?
Pumpkin can be heavy and we can't imagine them grow on the trees.
Pumpkins grow on a vine, on the ground.

Friends learned that there are seeds and hair looking strands inside of the pumpkin.
Friends held the pumpkin, they smelled the pumpkin and  even tried raw pumpkin.
Some friends liked it, some friends said that it was not their taste:)
That is ok, we all have different tastes.
What should we do with the pumpkin?
After very short discussion, friends decided to make a pumpkin pie. So...

Under Morah Bassie's supervision, friends baked and pilled the pumpkin.

Friends blended the pumpkin and

 Then Nissan added some eggs,

and then David added some sugar.

Friends took turns to mix it and added some spices.

We pour the pumpkin blend into the pie crust and put it in the oven.
The Fall Pumpkin Pie was delicious.

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