Monday, November 10, 2014

All About Us - Our Names

What makes us the same? The first gift that we get from Hashem is our NESHAMA.
What makes me a Jew? I have a neshama.
Straight from Hashem it came.
Every Jew has a neshama from one Hashem
And that makes me and you the same.
Everyone is born to be a girl or a boy.
Jewish people do not get named by the birth.
Girls get names on the Torah Day- Monday, Thursday, Shabbat or Yom Tov 
Boys get names when they are 8 days old by the Bris.

During the class discussion, we found out that our boys are happy to be boys,
our girls are happy to be girls. What our friends said about why do they like to be girls or boys.

Adam said, " I like to be a boy because my mom said I am a boy. I like to wear kippah and tzitit." 
Isaac said, " I like to be a boy. Hashem made me this way." 
Bluma said, " I like to be a girl because I get to wear earrings."
Doron said, " I like to be a boy because I like to wear kippah and tzizis. I am asking mom to buy me one." 
Talia said," I like to be a girl because I get to wear earrings and nail polish." 
Nissan said, " I like to be a boy because I get to wear kippah." 
Daniela said, " I like to be a girl because I like to wear skirts." 
Jackie said " I like to be a girl because I like to do ponytails. I like to wash my hair by myself." 
David said, " I like to be a boy because I like to sleep in my own bed and play with my big brother Ilan."
Bibi said, " I like to be a boy because I want to be a constructor and build new houses." 
Elizabeth said, " I like to be a girl because I get to wear a headband." 
Sasha said, " I like to be a boy because I get to wear kippah." 

Who do we have more in the class? Girls or Boys?
Friends counted. We have 7 boys and 6 girls in our class.

Learning about names is interesting.  Where do names come from?
The first name in the world was Adam.  When Hashem finished creating the earth and the sky, the moon and the starts, the plants and animals, he created a man and called him Adam. That is who our friends Adam is named after.
Some of our names come from Torah.
Names like Adam, Issac, and Avraham.   

We learned to stamp our names.

We learn to write our names. Upper case letters are easy to write that is why we use only upper case letters for writing.  It takes a lot of skills to memorize how our names are written - what letters are in our names, and in what order should we write them. It takes a lot of practice. 

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