Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Letter Hay

Bibi was our Mail Man and brought us the Letter Hay. Its form - one big line on top, one big line coming down, and one little line coming down on the other side.

Bibi our Mail Man

Do we have any friends in our class who begin with the letter Hay? No. But there is someone we know well who begins with that letter. He is not a person. He is invisible and yet at the same time He is everywhere. HE watches over us all the time and sees everything we do every second of our lives. He gives us life, He gives us our families, He gives us our friends, and He gives us everything we need.
I know you guessed it! It is HASHEM! Hashem begins with the letter Hay.
Thank you Hashem for all that You give us.
The picture above of the arrows shows Hashem is everywhere.
Hashem is here,
Hasehm is there,
Hashem is truly everywhere. 2x
Up, up,
Down, down,
Right, left, and all around,
Here there and everywhere,
Is where Hashem is found.

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