Sunday, November 2, 2014

Parsha Time in Pre-K

We started learning the Parsha stories from the Torah.
One portion at a time each week just as the Rabbi reads in Shul.
These stories are valuable with lessons on personal growth, morals, and ethics.
We learn these stories through puppet shows, props, and through friends acting as part of the story. 
We have a lot of fun at this time!

  • Every Friday your child will come home with a Parsha summary and questions the whole family can enjoy reading and answering together.
  • Every week on the blog you will have the option of clicking on two websites on the Parsha. One will offer you more information on  the Parsha. (Feel free to browse that site for anything else you would like to read up on any given topic and more.) The other site will offer a nice song about the Pasrah for your child. Your child may know these songs depending on the week if we learned it.
Enjoy your journey back into history along with your child and family that will bring you to the present of how we can enhance our lives for the better!!

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